Size Matters

Isn't that what the White Star Line directors said?
How about a FULL-SIZED Grand Staircase for your home? The first Titanic replica that I made back in 1999 is what I call the "Large" Titanic clock. It is 1/2 scale of Charles Wilson's original virtuoso work on the RMS Titanic and the RMS Olympic. The Cherub and the Pineapple are both roughly 1/2 scale. I know there are a lot of collectors in the world that would love the full-sized Grand Staircase in their homes. Problem is, most of us do not have that kind of space...or wallet. Here in the USA, we can visit a full-sized Grand Staircase at Titanic Branson, Titanic Pigeon Forge, Titanic Orlando, or Titanic Vegas to experience that luxury of size. I am happy to report that all of the above locations now carry my replicas in their gift shops. In the UK, of course, in Northern Ireland there is Titanic Belfast.
Even in my own case, where I do (or used to) have the space for a full replica of the Grand Staircase at my home called Havencrest Castle, my late wife, Adrianne St. George, and I decided to go with 1/2 scale. But that special room was never even begun during Adrianne's lifetime. A few years ago, I used that space to make a sculpture salon for my bronzes. If there is sufficient interest, and the Large Titanic Clock Architectural Surround should ever happen, I will likely dedicate a wall in the Sculpture Salon for that.
Yes, 1/2 scale is a pretty functional scale for most homes and collections. The Pineapple Finial featured here is 1/2 scale and it turned out to be the perfect size for a bookend (8" tall and weighs 2 pounds). I don't know if most people realize just how LARGE the original was: 15" tall and weighed about 20 pounds. That would be a pretty hefty item to ship overseas!
Like most things, the matter of size comes down to a matter of cost too. I've had a couple of collectors express the wish that the cherub, now at the foundry, were being made in the original size. When I tell them just how much a bronze cherub a meter high would cost, they change their minds! In addition, bronze figures are extremely heavy. A three foot+ cherub would be costly to ship...especially to European collectors. I stand by my decision to make the cherub in 1/2 scale. After all, what would be the point of making a figure in a size that ONLY the aforementioned Titanic venues could purchase...since they already have theirs. Of course this is only one man's opinion.
I'd like to know what you think about this and other topics. I've just added a blog comment field below. I hope this will be a great place for readers to share opinions and discuss Titanic issues. Until next time, happy collecting!
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