The St. Georges spent their lives recreating and then living in the Art of the Past...
The late Mrs. Alan St. George and
Alan St George of Havencrest Castle and TitanicClock.com.
The St. Georges held a Titanic-themed sit-down dinner for 20 guests in their home, recreating the actual first class dining room's menu. A 3-foot model of the ship adorned the center of the table, and each guest took home Titanic coal. It was in this period that the first Titaniclock® was born. Alan finished his first scale replica of Charles Wilson's famous Titanic clock in 1999.

Havencrest Castle
home of TitanicClock.com
Neil Patrick Harris presented with bronze sculpture of his twins by Alan St George in Hollywood

Havencrest Castle sculptures by Alan St George

Titanic sculptor Alan St George found that toothpicks turned out to be the best sculpting tools for his smallest scale version of Titanic's clock.